Thursday, March 8, 2012

Inspired Councils & Inspired FHEs

As I served as a missionary I was able to really see how the church works and how important it is to have inspired councils to further the work of the Lord.  In class this week we learned about councils and talked about the General Authorities meeting every Thursday in the temple.  As we were discussing it I realized that this weekly council reminded me a lot of how FHE is set up or should be set up.
1. Every Thursday- A set apart time that is sacred
- Fhe is supposed to be every Monday evening
2. In the temple- A sacred place
- Our home should be a sacred place. The home is next to the temple in sacredness.
3. Express love and gratitude
- We should do this in our family often
4. Opening prayer
- FHE should start with a prayer to invite the spirit.
5. Discuss to consensus
- Discuss the needs of the family and have a lesson
6. Closing prayer
- In this way we can consecrate it to the Lord
7. Eat chocolate or pie
- After the lesson or activity there is always refreshments! :)
I know growing up in my family that FHE wasn't always the most enlightening time for my family, often there were arguments and contention, but looking back I'm glad we did it.  FHE is an inspired program and I think it has a lot of potential just like councils are inspired and have a lot of potential.

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